Wednesday, 11 April 2012

NaPoWriMo Day 7

Kitty Dreams
The waking sun shines down,
fading the greys of night away.
The forest floor,
littered with dead leaves,
and sprouting flowers
and twisted root,
burst into enchanting shades
of green and gold.
The birds stir in their nests,
singing their joy
while the squirrels in the warm hollows,
slumber on.
A lone cat stalks
through the forest,
gracefully tip-toeing
through leaves and over roots.
The cat eyes the birds
as they scratch for worms.
The cat crouches,
tail wiggling in the air -
before launching,
straight into their midst.
They scatter
in an explosion
of squawks and feathers.
The cat sits
staring at the bare ground
beneath its paws...

The kitten purred
as a child scratched his ears,
awakening him from his nap.

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